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The Not-So-Pretty Side of Dermatology

By: Megan Ahmed


The not-so-pretty side of Dermatology…

Dermatology is more than just tox, fillers, Sculptra, & skin treatments. Yes, Megan Ahmed, NP-C absolutely loves her aesthetic treatments and knows the value they can provide her patients with improving their overall self-esteem & self-confidence…and her own might we add! 

However, there’s another side that’s not so sparkly or glamorous that she is passionate about. Performing full body skin checks, diagnosing skin cancers, treating non-healing wounds, and other skin conditions like acne and rosacea is her passion! Addressing and correcting issues that may cause her patients pain or discomfort is a top priority at Desert Sage Dermatology. We’re here to help you find your path to healthy skin!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.